Wednesday, February 1, 2017

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The above image pretty much sums up my daily life.  Has anyone had those weeks, when you have so many lists of things to get done - at home, the kids work, their sports-food-needs; to-do lists at office; - that you realize you need a list JUST to manage the many lists you have?  Well, that's ME! most of the time.  Proudly, most days go pretty darn well!  Then it all breaks down and you have to be in super-mom mode instead of normal-mom mode (with the many lists).

So how is it EVERYTHING gets done?  A few things I have learnt over the years:

1) Ask for help - at home.  My husband is pretty great at doing lots of things - the one thing he CANNOT do is think for himself and do it.  He is a great guy!

2) Ask for help - at office.  At office, this is called delegation with accountability.  You have to pick the right person to get something done.  How you do this is a completely different post altogether, which i will get to at some point - in this lifetime!

3) Kids wont die if you give them less than 5 servings of vegetables EVERY SINGLE DAY!  They will love you for it though!  3 Servings are OK too!

4) Get the kids to help at home!  They are never too young to do chores.  It builds character and carrying slightly heavy loads build muscles in the arms, and walking up a spiral staircase carrying that laundry builds leg muscles too - tell the kids that!  They will love you for that too!

5) Most importantly - Get enough sleep.  Sleep before 10pm and wake up before 6am.  At least 7hours of sleep is important for a human being to function properly.

I have survived on the above for quite a while now.  Its not smooth sailing; remember that and when all hell breaks loose - remember that is normal too and scream if you want to.  At your husband, at the kids, at the dog!!!  They will know who the boss is then!!! Darn right they will!